-poet and writer-
Milla van der Have

About Ghosts of Old Virginny
Virginia city, Nevada has been drawing the adventurous for over 100 years. It has been the home of gold-miners, strong independent women and writers. After the bonanza, Virginia City reinvented herself and became a ghost town that draws travelers and artists. And, as it happened, a Dutch poet.
Milla van der Have visited Virginia City in 2014, on a writer's residency to finish her novel. But once there, something happened: the Comstock got to her. In Ghosts of Old Virginny Van der Have explores the legends and history of the Comstock by reimagining them. These poems deal with being uprooted and leaving the known behind. They speak of miners, ghosts and horses and throughout of the comfortable tension of love, that greatest journey of all.
Read sample poems
Poems from Ghosts of Old Virginny have been published in various magazines:
Black Spider Moan in Right Hand Pointing
Chollar Mine Call in Hermes Poetry Journal
The Comstock Lasts in The Meadow
On The Way Home in The Kentucky Review

Ghosts News
Ghosts of Old Virginny was officially launched in the Netherlands on March 26th, 2016.