I done got over: on finishing the damn thing
Reader, I did it. As planned, I completed the third draft of my (long-ass, megalomaniac) novel. I took out a character. I worked on...

Don't stop till you get enough: on knowing when you're done
Finish the damn thing. Observant readers will remember that that's my objective for the last quarter of this year. A lofty ideal! And...

Getting my groove on: my Irish writing vacation
Virgina Woolf was right: having a room of one's own is essential for writers. Now I'm lucky enough to have a big ole attic in my home,...

All by myself: looking back on a quarter of agile writing
A few weeks ago I was teaching an OKR workshop for product owners. When I mentioned I am writing a book in sprints, I received furtive...

Getting closure: the gentle art of making ends meet
Before we get to closure, first some disclosure: I've struggled to finish the past couple of sprints. And because of that I haven't been...

You don't know your water: in praise of procrastination
​If productivity is the angel on the writer's shoulder, then procrastination must be that malevolent, pitch-fork wielding fiend. We hates...

I've got the music in me: songs in my story
Oh, that age-old question: is your novel autobiographical? Frankly, my dears, yes and no. Yes: because I'll use any source material and...

None of us are free: flawed characters and character flaws
"A man doesn't become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall." - Aristotle King Arthur is flawed. His Knights of the Round...